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 Yin Yoga Teacher Training
50 hours of Yin Yoga Teacher Training

You will ideally have been an accredited Yoga Teacher with at least two years teaching experience, or a yin student with several years of proven class attendance and have a passion for Yin.

Perhaps you already hold a teaching diploma in many other complementary care disciplines and wish to enhance yours and others lives. Sometimes passion is the most important element of all, if we are passionate and excited we will excel at any given subject.

We do ask that you are prepared to work intensively over the 40 hours you are with us on-site and be open and willing to complete 10 hours of theory on-line.

There will be two main dedicated RYT Teachers.

Tina Brewer and Keely Warren.

Both Tina and Keely are Elders in Yogic terms with many hours of dedicated Yogic and Teaching Practice. 

Studio and Classroom.

You will be expected to be in the classroom or studio by 8 am most mornings, and there will be two evening classes to attend also.

You will have some dedicated time set aside to unwind. 

The Modules we will cover are as follows:

History of Yin and the Relationship with Hatha.

Principals of Yin Yoga.

Precautions and contraindications.

Anatomy of the Joints, Ligaments and Tendons.

Anatomy and Physiology Regarding the Practice of Yin.

Meridians and Energy Flow.

Fascia Stretching.

Exploring and Practicing over 20 Yin Postures.

Exploring the differences between Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga.

Using Props and Learning how to adjust.

Use of the Breath in the Practice of Yin Yoga.

The Role of Meditation and being meditative during Yin during Practice.

2 x 1 Hour Yin Classes.

Teaching Practice

Lesson Planning for Beginner/Intermediate/ Advanced students.

Handouts and Manuals supplied.

Training Dates:

7th October -11th 2024

18th – 22nd November 2024

Cost of Training:

Full Board with 3 Vegan Meals per day. £899.00.

Own room, shared bathroom.

Shared twin room £750.00 per person.

Offsite Students (Lunch included). £650.00 per person.

This lovely quote by Sarah Powers perfectly portrays the art of Yin.

"The longest journey you will ever make is from your head to your heart"


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